【学术报告】Prof. Tibor Kurán:Stereochemical studies by electronic circula dichroism


报 告 人:Prof. Tibor Kurán

报告题目:Stereochemical studies by electronic circula dichroism

报告时间:9:00 AM  May 29, 2014

地    点:海洋馆207 

主  持 人:李德海


    Prof. Kurán received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Debrecen in 2001. He is currently a full professor of Organic Chemistry, at the University of Debrecen. His research spans across much of chiroptical spectroscopy, involving application of chiroptical sprctroscopy for stereochemical studies of isolated and synthetic organic componds, Online HPLC-CD technique for characterizing isomeric mixtures and following enatioselective transformations, and enatioselective synthesis of flavonoids and O,N-heterocycles.

    Prof. Kurán received Bolyai Award, Zemplén Géza Award in 2012 and was funded by Hungarian Research Grant (2012-2016) at present. To date, Prof. Tibor has published 100 scientific papers on J. Am. Chem. Soc., Org. lett., J.org. Chem., Eur. J. Org. Chem., Chirality,etc., and 2 book chapters with ca 1100 citation.