

序号 论文著作名称 完成人 刊物、出版社名称 年、卷、期、页 SCISCI/EI 影响因子
1 糖药物学 于广利,赵峡 中国海洋大学出版社 2012 教材  
2 <Antioxidant Polymers>, Ed. By Giuseppe Carillon Jiao Guangling, Yu Guangli, Zhao Xiaoliang, et al. Wiley Scrivener 2012,Chap.8,179-195 参编专著  
3 海洋药物导论 朱伟明 上海科学技术出版社 20129月第二版 参编专著  
4 Hybrid Isoprenoids from a Reeds Rhizosphere Soil Derived Actinomycete Streptomyces sp. CHQ-64 Qian Che, Tianjiao Zhu, Xin Qi, Attila Mándi, Tibor Kurtán, Xiaomei Mo, Jing Li, Qianqun Gu, and Dehai Li* Org. Lett. 2012,14(13):3438-3441 SCI 5.862
5 Suberitine A_D, Four New Cytotoxic Dimeric Aaptamine Alkaloids from the Marine Sponge Aaptos suberitoides. Caixia Liu, Xuli Tang, Pinglin Li,* and Guoqiang Li* Org. Lett. 2012,14(8):1994-1997 SCI 5.862
6 Identification of Caerulomycin A Gene Cluster Implicates a Tailoring Amidohydrolase.  Yiguang Zhu, Peng Fu, Qinheng Lin, Guangtao Zhang, Haibo Zhang, Sumei Li, Jianhua Ju, Weiming Zhu,* Org. Lett.  2012,14(11):2666–2669. SCI 5.862
7 New Indolocarbazoles from a Mutant Strain of the Marine-Derived Actinomycete Streptomyces fradiae 007M135 Peng Fu, Yibin Zhuang, Yi Wang, Peipei Liu, Xin Qi, Kangbo Gu, Daojing Zhang, and Weiming Zhu* Org. Lett.  2012,14(24):6194–6197 SCI 5.862
8 Streptocarbazoles A and B, Two Novel Indolocarbazoles from the Marine-Derived Actinomycete Strain Streptomyces sp. FMA.  Peng Fu, Chunli Yang, Yi Wang, Peipei Liu, Yiming Ma, Lei Xu, Mingbo Su, Kui Hong*, Weiming Zhu*, Org. Lett.  2012,14(9):2422–2425. SCI 5.862
10 Preparation, structure and anticoagulant activity of a low molecular weight fraction produced by mild acid hydrolysis of sulfated rhamnan from Monostroma latissimum Hongyan Li, Wenjun Mao* , Yujiao Hou, Yan Gao, Xiaohui Qi, Chunqi Zhao, Yin Chen, Yanli Chen, Na Li, Chunyan Wang Bioresource Technology 2012,114:414–418 SCI 4.98
11 The Metabolism of Baicalin in Rat and the Biological Activities of the Metabolites Yi Wang,* Jingyu Yang, Xian Li and Jinhui Wang,* Evid.-Based Compl. Alt. Med.  2012,(2012):1-6 SCI 4.774
12 The stress-response gene redd1 regulates dorsoventral patterning by antagonizing Wnt/β-catenin activity in zebrafish Qiang Feng, Xia Zou, Ling Lu, Yun Li, Yunzhang Liu, Jianfeng Zhou,  and Cunming Duan plos one 2012,7 (12):e52674- SCI 4.092
13  Chemical Profiles and Identification of Key Compound Caffeine in Marine-Derived Traditional Chinese Medicine Ostreae concha.  Xue Yang, Shi-Lu Zhou, Ai-Cui Ma, Hai-Tao Xu, Hua-Shi Guan,* and Hong-Bing Liu*. Mar. Drugs 2012,10:1180-1191. SCI 3.854
14 The Antiviral Activities and Mechanisms of Marine Polysaccharides: An Overview Wei Wang, Shi-Xin Wang, and Hua-Shi Guan Mar. Drugs 2012,10(12):2795-2816 SCI 3.854
15 Adjuvant activity of sargassum pallidum polysaccharides against combined newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis and avian influenza inactivated vaccines. Li-Jie Li, Ming-Yi Li, Yan-Tuan Li, Jing-Jing Feng, Feng-Qiang Hao, Lun Zhang, Mar. Drugs 2012,10:2648-2660 SCI 3.854
16 Polyoxygenated sterols from the South China Sea soft coral Sinularia sp. Rui Li, Chang-Lun Shao, Xin Qi, Xiu-Bao Li, Jing Li, Ling-Ling Sun, Chang-Yun Wang* Mar. Drugs 2012,10:1422-1432 SCI 3.854
17 Antibacterial bisabolane-type sesquiterpenoids from the sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. Dan Li, Ying Xu, Chang-Lun Shao*, Rui-Yun Yang, Cai-Juan Zheng, Yi-Yan Chen, Xiu-Mei Fu, Pei-Yuan Qian, Zhi-Gang She, Nicole J. de Voogd, Chang-Yun Wang* Mar. Drugs 2012,10(1):234–241 SCI 3.854
18 Diketopiperazine Alkaloids from a Mangrove Rhizosphere Soil Derived Fungus Aspergillus effuses H1-1                                                         Huquan Gao, Weizhong Liu, Tianjiao Zhu, Xiaomei Mo, Attila Mándi, Tibor Kurtán,* Jing Li,* Jing Ai, Qianqun Gu, and Dehai Li*                                 Organic &Biomolecular Chemistry 2012,10:9501-9506 SCI 3.696
19 Preparation and anti-influenza A virus activity of k-carrageenan oligosaccharide and its sulphated derivatives Wei Wang 1,2, Pan Zhang 1),2), Guang-Li Yu 1),2), Chun-Xia Li 1),2), Cui Hao 1),2), Xin Qi 1), Li-Juan Zhang 1),2),Hua-Shi Guan1),2) Food Chemistry 2012,133:880–888 SCI 3.655
20  Structure and antioxidant activity of an extracellular polysaccharide from coral-associated fungus, Aspergillus versicolor LCJ-5-4 Yin Chen, Wenjun Mao*, Yupin Yang, Xiancun Teng, Weiming Zhu, Xiaohui Qi, Yanli Chen, Chunqi Zhao, YujiaoHou Chunyan Wang, Na Li Carbohydrate Polymers 2012,87(1):218–226 SCI 3.628